Quick Links

What Is

About Using
Telnet To Connect

Client Software
For Dust

Basic MARE Commands

DustMARE How-To

.: a guide for new users :.

What is DustMARE?

DustMARE is an online text-based game that runs on a server called MARE.

MARE is an acronym that stands for:

Multi-user Adventure Roleplaying Epic.

Some quick definitions:

  • Multi-user: Bunches of people online at the same time, and they can communicate with each other and play cooperatively and things of that nature.

  • Adventure: Among other things, DustMARE provides you with the opportunity to slay wee beasties as you travel the land.

  • Roleplaying: If you concentrate really deeply, or are sufficiently sleep-deprived, DustMARE can seem real, causing you to experience sincere hair-tearing aggravation when pkilled, or in extreme cases, to exclaim "You nasty wizard!" during battle.

  • Epic: "Yes, we've got a storyline."

About Using Telnet To Connect

So, now that you know what MARE is basically about, you're probably asking yourself,

"Well, now I know what DustMARE is (I think), but now how do I connect to it so that I may play the game?"

To which we answer:


Well. Let's start at the beginning.

Connecting to any MARE, DustMARE included, is usually accomplished by means of a telnet client. If you're an average net user, you're probably familiar with the world wide web and not much else, and as far as you're concerned, this "telnet" of which I speak is as good as greek and you're now headed to Jojo's Midnight House of Links. Enjoy.

However, if we still have your attention, and yet you are unfamiliar with telnet, here's a basic explanation.

Telnet is a software program that allows you to log in to text-based services on other remote computers on the Internet to which you have access. Once you are connected to the remote service, you can type in text in much the same way one normally does from the command line of most operating systems. Depending on the nature of the service you are connected to, you can download files, engage in conferencing, and perform the same commands as if you were directly connected by computer. MARE uses a small subset of these capabilities. A telnet connection to MARE enables you to enter commands for the MARE service to process, enabling you to talk to other players and to play the game. You must be connected to the Internet to be able to use telnet-based services.

Ok, well I'm not sure that cleared anything up, but we're going to plow on ahead with instructions for connecting at this point.

Client Software For Use With DustMARE

One way to connect to DustMARE (if you're using Windows) is the built-in client that comes prepackaged with the operating system. This has several drawbacks. Windows telnet does not show what you are typing when you connect to a MARE-based server, and the built-in telnet with Windows 95/98/NT does not show color either. There is no scrollback - if something scrolls off the screen before you can read it, there's no way to go back to look at it. If despite all these drawbacks you still wish to connect using telnet, use the below link.

Hitch a ride by clicking here: Yes, I'm an Internet Hobo.

If you wish to be a |<-R4D 3133+ |/\|4R3Z d00d, you will do as we do, and use a client with features like scrollback and ANSI color.

Some of these are just regular old telnet clients, but some are specifically made for use with games like DustMARE.

  • CRT - Powerful, flexible.. can be a little confusing if you're unfamiliar with telnet apps, but not unbearably so.

  • ZMud - a popular application specifically designed for use with MARE-like games. It works acceptably well with MARE, although it is optimized for use with MUD servers such as LP and Diku.

  • TinyFugue - tf is a flexible, popular, powerful, screen-oriented MUD client, for use with any type of MUD. It is not, however, amazingly user-friendly. Recommended for advanced users and/or those with a willingness to dig in and learn. Also, there is a custom compiled version of it for windows for direct download: tf win; there may be some configuration magic required to get it working properly.

Basic MARE Commands

Here are some basic commands that will help you get started on your journeys as an Adventurer:


Print a list of users currently online the system.


Look at the room you are in, or at a person or object inside.


Make your character say <msg> in the current room. (only players in the room with you will see this message)


Transmit a message over the default [public] +channel. (all players on the public channel - and this is usually almost all players - will see this message)


Exit from DustMARE. Must be in all caps.

page <player>=<message>

Sends <message> to <player>, who must be online.

More information coming soon. Stay tuned for updates.